The typical local layering is deliberately cancelled out here by homogeneously setting the facade in natural stone from Andeer, and by softening the dominance of the slab faces with sheet metal on the upper edges, which draws attention to the flat window strips executed in the same materiality and color. This gives the building a thin but volumetric and homogeneous appearance.
Instead of solving the neighborhood theme with typical balcony partitions, each apartment is framed by bay-like projections, giving it its own intimate outdoor spaces with a panoramic view, while the selectively placed living niches create differentiated light qualities and richer spatial relationships to the inside and outside.
Location: Fuederholzstrasse 20, 8704 Herrliberg
Residential units: 7 units
Property type: Condomium ownership
Apartment sizes: 3.5–5.5 rooms / 134–262 m²
Status: Realized
Occupancy date: 2022
Client: Private
Architecture: HDPF